
Last modified: 04/12/2005

Discussion Group/Grupo de discusión

Último modificó: 04/12/2005

As this page consists almost entirely of document titles in their original languages, no translation is offered
Cuando esta página consiste casi completamente en títulos del documento en sus idiomas originales, ninguna traducción se ofrece

Alphabetical Reference
Referencia alphabetica

Joint Annual Meeting

First Internet Conference on Mollicutes

Palms/Principes International Palm Society Journal

Proceedings ICLY 1

Proceedings ICLY 2

Proceedings ICLY 3

Proceedings ICLY 4

Southeast Asia Workshop

LY in Dominican Republic
AL en Republíca Dominica

Simposium AL
México 2001

Recent publications
Publicaciónes recientes

Other coconut references - Coconut Time Line – Otras referencias cocoteros

It is the intention to provide a list of all publications about LY. Please check what is given so far and inform the editor what else need to be added. Any individuals who wish to send in a list of their own (or anybody else's) publications relating to LY are welcome to do so and will earn the gratitude of the other CICLY participants.
Es la intención para proporcionar una lista de todas las publicaciones sobre LY. Por favor verifica lo que se da hasta ahora e informa al
editor qué resto necesita ser agregado. Cualquier individuo que desea enviar en una lista de su propio (o los demás) publicaciones que relacionan a LY son bienvenidas hacer para que y ganará la gratitud de los otros participantes de CICLY.

Electronic copies will be accessible to relevant passages of important documents.
Las copias electrónicas serán accesibles a los pasajes pertinentes de documentos importantes.

Manuscripts that have not been published can be offered for peer review.
Pueden ofrecerse manuscritos que no se han publicado para la revisión del par.

Recent Publications/Presentations

Maramorosch, K & Harries, H.C. (2000) Prevention of lethal yellowing disease of coconut palms. Int. J. Tropical Plant Diseases. 16: 189-194.

Góngora-Canul, C.C., Escamilla-Bencomo, J.A Mora-Aguilera, G, & Pérez-Hernández, O. (2000) Gradientes de dispersión del amarillamiento letal del cocotero (Cocos nucifera L) en Yucatán y Campeche. XXVII Congres Nacional de la Sociedad Mexican de Fitopatologia. L77.

Pérez-Hernández, O., Mora-Aguilera, G, Escamilla-Bencomo, J.A. & Góngora-Canul, C. (2000) Patrón espacio-temporal del amarillamiento letal del cocotero (Cocos nucifera L) en Yucatán.XXVII Congres Nacional de la Sociedad Mexican de Fitopatologia. L84

Maust, B.E., Escamilla, A.J., Espada, F.L., Talavera, Coello, J. Santamaria, J. & Oropeza, C. (2000) Fotosintesis, fluorescncia de clorofila y respriacion de raices en cocoteros con amarillamiento letal.

Harries, H.C., Herasme-C., J & Hichez Frias, E. (2001) Why lethal yellowing has not become epidemic in the Dominican Republic. Palms 45(2), 92-96.

Harries, H.C. (2001) Coconut varieties and lethal yellowing: a regional perspective for the Americas. Palms 45(3) 148-150.

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Simposium Amarillamiento Letal del Cocotero

XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Fitopatología
Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Querétaro, México.
17 de Julio, 2001


1. El cocotero en América y sus orígenes. Hugh Harries

2. Etiología, sintomatología, transmisión, distribución geográfica y control. José A. Escamilla, María Narvaez y Carlos Oropeza

3. Detección y diagnóstico. Iván Córdova y Humberto Almeyda

4. Fisiología y bioquímica de la interacción planta-patógeno. Brian Maust, Francisco Espadas, Carlos Talavera y José A. Escamilla

5. Control genético del AL e impacto potencial del AL en las costas del Pacífico. Daniel Zizumbo Villarreal, Miguel Fernández Barrera y Nelson Torres

6. Epidemiología del amarillamiento letal en México. Gustavo Mora Aguilera, Oscar Pérez Hernández, Carlos Góngora Canul y José A. Escamilla

7. Campaña nacional de combate del amarillamiento letal y normatividad. Rigoberto Núñez

8. El amarillamiento letal en Centroamérica. Mario Bustamante, María M. Roca de Doyle y Carlos Oropeza Salín

9. Perspectivas de la investigación del amarillamiento letal. Carlos Oropeza Salín

Sesión de Carteles

1. Efectos del fitoplasma de amarillamiento letal sobre la distribución de los carbohidratos en las raíces primarias y secundarias de plantas de Cocos nucifera. Martha Yam-Aké, Margarita Aguilar-Espinosa, Francisoco Espadas-Gil y Brian Maust.

2. Análisis de fluorescencia de clorofila en cocoteros con amarillamiento letal. Brian Maust, Francisco Espada-Gil, Carlos Talavera-May, José Armando Escamilla-Bencomo y Carlos Oropeza-Salin.

3. Fluctuación de insectos asociados al amarillamiento letal del cocotero. Carlos Certina-Pérez, Adolfo Guzmán-Antonio, Roger Orellana, Iván Córdova-Lara y José Armando Escamilla-Bencomo.

4. Determinación del período de incubación del amarillamiento letal del cocotero por medio de RCP. Juan Canche-Yam, Fátima Medina-Lara, Adolfo Guzmán-Antonio, Gustavo Mora-Aguilera y José Armando Escamilla-Bencomo.

5. La presencia del fitoplasma de amarillamiento letal en embriones de coctero. Iván Córdova-Lara, María Nárvaez-Cab, Abril Chumba-Sarmiento, Nigel A. Harrison, Phil Jones, Elizabeth Cárdenas-Soriano y Carlos Oropeza-Salin.

6. ¿El amarillamiento letal del cocotero progresa a partir focos de infección? Carlos Cecilio Góngora-Canul, Gustavo Mora-Aguilera, Oscar Pérez-Hernández y José Armando Escamilla-Bencomo.

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Lethal Diseases of Coconut caused by Phytoplasma and their importance in Southeast Asia.

BALITKA, Manado, Indonesia, February 1998.
Editors: D. Allorerung, H.C. Harries, P. Jones & S. Warokka
Published: APCC, 1999.

S.G. Eden-Green
...................................................................................................................................................... 1
D. Allorerung
...................................................................... 2
P. Jones
Keynote address ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
P. Wahid
Situation of coconut development in Indonesia .............................................................................................................. 7
Director of Crop Protection
The impact of coconut diseases on small farmers .......................................................................................................... 13
P. Doyle
The impact and etiology of coconut wilt diseases in Indonesia .................................................................................. 27
J.S. Warokka
Report on the history and status of Natuna wilt disease .............................................................................................. 36
Mulyadi & Soeripto
Distribution and Epidemiology of Kalimantan Wilt Disease ......................................................................................... 39
J.S. Warokka & P. Jones
Development of coconut wilt disease in Kotawaringin Timur District ....................................................................... 48
H. Ardi, S. Petrus & G. Rangkay
Report on history & status of yellow disease of coconut palm in Central Sulawesi ................................................ 52
O. Simatupang
Root (wilt) and Tatipaka diseases of coconut in India .................................................................................................. 55
P.K. Koshy
Decline diseases of coconut in Sri Lanka ........................................................................................................................ 59
L.C.P. Fernando
Lethal diseases of coconut and oil palm in the Americas ............................................................................................. 67
M. Dollet
Lethal diseases of coconut in East Africa ....................................................................................................................... 69
P. Jones & A. Tymon
The history and biology of phytoplasmas as plant pathogen ..................................................................................... 83
P. Jones
Diagnostic methods for coconut diseases ...................................................................................................................... 94
M. Dollet & P. Jones
Practical application of the endemic resistance of indigenous
domestic coconuts to phytoplasma diseases ................................................................................................................. 95
H.C. Harries
The role of safe germplasm movement in COGENT's initiative to conserve
and exchange germplasm ................................................................................................................................................... 99
P. Batugal
Effect of phytoplasmas on the movement of coconut germplasm ............................................................................ 104
M. Diekmann
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................................ 107
Closing address ................................................................................................................................................................ 109
D. Allorerung
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS.............................................................................................................................................. 111

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1999 APS / CPS Joint Annual Meeting
August 7-11, 1999
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Investigations into coconut diseases of uncertain aetiology.
P. Jones (1), C. P. R. Cronjé (2), and J. S. Warokka (3).
(1) IACR Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts., AL5 2JQ, UK; (2) Pathology Division, SASEX, PB X02, Mt. Edgecombe, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa; (3) Research Institute for Coconut and Palmae, Manado, Indonesia.
Phytopathology 89:S37. Publication no. P-1999-0262-AMA.
For most of the 20th Century there have been sporadic outbreaks of lethal diseases in coconuts grown in South East Asia. In Indonesia Natuna wilt and Kalimantan wilt are two such diseases. Phytoplasmas cause some of the most devastating diseases of coconuts in the Americas and Africa and we have compared symptoms and used DNA amplification to determine if either of these diseases is associated with a phytoplasma. Amplification of the 16S-23S rRNA genes by a nested-PCR gave products of 1250 bp in size. The restriction fragment length polymorphism of these amplimers suggested that at least one type of phytoplasma was present in coconut palms in Indonesia. Sequencing of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region revealed a single copy of the characteristic t-isoleucine gene in all samples, confirming the phytoplasma status of the amplified sequences. Our discovery that phytoplasmas are active in coconut disease epidemics in Indonesia has implications for the sustainability of coconut farming systems in the region.

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First Internet Conference on Phytopathogenic Mollicutes - 24-29 May 1999

Information about this meeting, including full transcripts of many (or all?) of the papers (titles listed below), is available at <>
An Introduction to the First Internet Conference on Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, Selected Research Topics and a Look to the Future R.E. Davis
Phytoplasma Taxonomy N. Harrison
Spiroplasma Taxonomy R.F. Whitcomb, D.L. Williamson, G.E. Gasparich, J.G. Tully and F.E. French
Epidemiology and control of phytoplasma diseases Monique Garnier
Interactions of phytopathogenic mollicutes with insect and plant hosts Jacqueline Fletcher
Molecular biology of phytopathogenic mollicutes Joël Renaudin
Cloning and sequencing of the genes determining a major membrane protein associated with the chlorantie isolate of aster yellows and clover phyllody. David Davies, Michael Clark, Dez Barbara
Molecular-based methods for the detection and identification of phytoplasmas I.M. Lee
New phytoplasma-plant associations Karen Gibb
On some problems in temperate fruit tree phytoplasma research Erich Seemüller
Grapevine phytoplasmas Elisabeth Boudon-Padieu
Phytoplasmas and yellows diseases Assunta Bertaccini
Concluding remarks G. Firrao

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Publications and Reports about LY in Dominican Republic

Canale, F (1999) Informe del consultor internacional en medidas fitosanitarios. Levantmiento de areas amenazadas por amarillamiento letal. FAO:TCP/DOM/8823 (A).

Carter, W. (1962) Tomado del informe rendido por el Dr. Walter Carter durante su visita a la República Dominicana el 5 Diciembre al 15 Diciembre de 1962. pp12-14 In Pujals Nolasco & Hichez Frias, 1974.

Ciferri, R. (1951) Bronze leaf of coconut palm in the Dominican Republic and Venezuala. Phytopath.,41, 765-766. Review of several bronzeleaf wilts in these countries and Jamaica and Trinidad.

Harries, H.C. (1999) Report on the establishment of a lethal yellowing quarantine control area and a lethal yellowing pest free area in the Dominican Republic.FAO:TCP/DOM/8823.

Harries, H.C., Herasme-C. J & Hichez-Frías, E (2001) Why lethal yellowing has not become epidemic in the Dominican Republic. Palms 45(2) 92-96.

Hichez-Frias, E. (1974) Situacion del amarillo letal en la Republica Dominicana. Proc. Trop. Reg. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci.18, 37-41.

Howard.W, Kramer,J.P, Feliz Peralta.M (1981) Homopteros Auchenorrhyncha asociados a palmeras en un area de la R.Dominicana afectado por el amarillamiento letal del cocotero. Folia Entomologica Mexicana N° 47:37-50.

Maramorosch, K . (1972) Estudio del amarillo letal en los cocoteros de la República Dominicana. Informe presentado a Sr. Daniel Levandosky, USAID, Santo Domingo. pp. 28-32 In Pujals Nolasco & Hichez Frias, 1974.

Pujals Nolasco, J.P. & Hichez Frias, E. (1974) Informe sobre la situacion del amarillo letal en las plantaciones de cocoteros en areas de la Rep. Dom. SEA, SD.

Romney, D.H. (1970) Tomado del informe "La industria del coco en la República Dominicana" por el Sr. D.H. Romney, Director de Investigaciones, Junta Industrial del Coco de Jamaica 1-3-1970 al 6-3-1970. pp. 22-26 In Pujals Nolasco & Hichez Frias, 1974.

Schieber, E. (1969) Tomado del informe al Secretario de Estado de Agricultura sobre algunos problemas fitopatologicos en la Republica Dominicana - enero 12 - marzo 12 de 1969 por el Dr. Eugenio Schieber. pp. 16-20 In Pujals Nolasco & Hichez Frias, 1974.

Schieber, E. (1970) Enfermedades importantes del cocotero (Cocos nucifera L.) en la Republica Dominicana. Turrialba 20,171-176.

Schieber,E. & Hichez-Frias, E. (1970) Lethal yellowing disease of coconut palms in the Dominican Republic. Phytopathology 60, 1542.

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ICLY Bibliography


Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, Florida, 20-22 September 1973

Fisher, J.B. (1973) Report of the Lethal Yellowing Symposium at Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, Florida, 20-22 September 1973. Principes 17: 151-159.


Kingston, Jamaica, 22-24 September 1975

Romney, D.H. (1976) Second Meeting of the International Council on Lethal Yellowing, Kingston, Jamaica, 22-24 September 1975. Principes 20: 57-69.

Held in conjunction with the FAO 5th Technical Working Party on Coconut production, Protection & Processing. The following papers were presented (some of which were published separately elsewhere):


Survey on insect populations on Cocos nucifera. M.Schuiling
Recent attempts to find a vector associated with lethal yellowing in Jamaica. M.Schuiling et al
Studies on the feeding habits of Haplaxius crudus. H.Waters
Insects and their incidence collected by suction trapping in coconut plantations. J.A'Brook & M.Schuiling
Bole rots in pre-bearing coconut palms apparently affected by lethal yellowing disease. S.J.Eden-Green
Effects of lethal yellowing on growth of coconut palms. S.J.Eden-Green & A.J.Dabek
Root acquisition transmission tests with Haplaxius crudus and Proarna hilaris. S.J.Eden-Green & M.Schuiling
The search for a vector of lethal yellowing of coconuts in Jamaica from 1962 to 1971: were the experiments really unsuccessful? C.G.Johnson
Epidemiologic studies of lethal yellowing in Florida. R.E.McCoy
Attempts to isolate and characterise the potential pathogen of lethal yellowing disease. R.E.McCoy
Antibiotic treatment programme in Florida R.E.McCoy
The physiology of phloem and xylem transport in Cocos nucifera. J.A.Milburn, M.A.Zimmerman & P.B.Tomlinson
Preliminary studies on the ultrastructure of phloem in coconut palms affected by Hartrot in Suriname. M.V.Parthasarathy
Systemic insecticides as a possible control for lethal yellowing. J.A.Reinert
Lethal yellowing in Florida. C.P.Seymour & C.Poucher
Transmission studies of insect vectors of lethal yellowing of coconut palms in Florida. J.H.TSAI
Homoptera (Auchenorhyncha) associated with coconut palms diseased with lethal yellowing in S. Florida. N.L.Woodiel
Cape St. Paul Wilt disease of coconuts in Ghana: varietal resistance trials with Malayan Dwarf. E.A.Addison
Results of a recent survey of Cape St.Paul Wilt and Kaïncopé disease in West Africa. H.C.Harries & C.G.Johnson
Recent studies of Kaïncopé disease in Togo. K.G.Steiner


Palm Beach, Florida, 30 October-3 November, 1977.

University of Florida Publication FL-78-2, 43pp. (1978)

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Fort Lauderdale August 13-17, 1979

Edited by D.L.Thomas, F.W. Howard & H.M. Donselman

Published by Agricultural Research Center, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale for the International Council on Lethal Yellowing 1980. Publication FL-80-1


Preface - W. B. Ennis, Jr (page i)

Technical Summary of the Fourth Meeting of ICLY - S. J. Eden-Green (page 1)

An Evaluation of Lethal Yellowing Research Progress and Priorities - P. Hunt (page 3)


Cocos Palm as a World Crop - L. Chiarappa and P. Poetiray (page 5)

Growing Plantation Coconut Palms (Abstract) - D. H. Romney (page 6)

Florida's Palms - Who Needs Them? (Abstract) -H. M. Donselman (page 6)


Insect Vectors of Prokaryotic Plant Pathogens - A. H. Purcell (page 7)

Lethal Yellowing and Translocation in Palms - M. H. Zimmermann (page 7)

Current Status of Spiroplasmas and Mycoplasmas Isolated from Plants and lnsects - T. A. Chen (page 7)


An Approach to the Serological Study of the Mycoplasmas of Lethal Yellowing in the Coconuts in West Africa - M.Do!let, C. Saillard, 0.Garcia-Jurado, J. C. Vignault, D. Gargant, J. G. Tully and M. Bovett (page 8)

Xylem Transport in Palms with Lethal Yellowing - H. G. Basham and F. M. Eskafi (page 8)

Phloem Ultrastructure of Palms with Lethal Yellowing - D. L. Thomas (page 8)

Rapid Propagation of Date Palms through Tissue Culture - B. H. Tisserat (page 8)

Isozymes as Genetic Markers in Palmae - B. H. Tísserat (page 9)

The Distribution of Spiroplasmas within Infected Plants Varies During the Course of lnfection - D. B. Archer, J. Best and K A. Plaskitt (page 9)

Scanning Electron Microscopy of Aster Yellows Spiroplasmas - K. Maramorosch (page 9)


The Acholeplasmas: Biological Characteristics and New Developments in Host Distribution - J. G. Tully (p. 10)

Acholeplasmas and Lethal Yellowing Disease - I. Present Status - S. J. Eden-Green, J. G. Tully & R. Townsend 10

Acholeplasmas and Lethal Yellowing Disease - II. Transmission Experiments - S. J. Eden-Green, P. G. Markham & R.Townsend (page 10)

Acholeplasmas and Lethal Yellowing Disease - III. Microbiological and Serological Studies - R. Townsend, S. J. Eden-Green, P. G. Markham, D. B. Archer and M. F. Clark (page 11)

 Isolation and Characterization of Mycoplasmas from Floral Surfaces - R. E. McCoy and H. G. Basham (page 11)

ELISA for the Detection of Lethal Yellowing Agent in Diseased Coconuts - S.F. Nomé, B.C. Raju & G. Nylan 11

Multiplication of Spiroplasmas in Larvae of the Wax Moth, Galieria mellonella (L.) - R. E. McCoy & M. J. Davis (page 12)

Effect of Spiroplasmas on Growth Rate and Survival of Wax Moth larvae - R. V. Dowell & R. E. McCoy (page 12)

Isolation of Spiroplasmas from Leafhoppers Exposed to Aster Yellows and X Disease - B.C. Raju, A. H. Purcell and G. Nyland (page 12)

Long Term Storage of the Aster Yellows Agent in Frozen lnsects - A. J. Smith. (page 12)

Factors Affecting Maintenance in vitro of Aster Yellows Pathogenicity - A. J. Smith (page 12)


Homopterans Feeding on Coconut Palms in Jamaica - F. M. Eskafi (page 13)

Attempts to Transmit Coconut lethal Yellowing Disease with Palm-Feeding Fulgoroidea in Jamaica, 1977-79 - A.J.Dabek & H. Waters (page 13)

Attempts to Transmit Coconut Lethal Yellowing Disease with Cicadelloidea in Jamaica, 1977-79 - A. J. Dabek & H.Waters (page 13)

Lethal Yellowing Transmission Experiments with Myndus crudus Van Duzee - F. W. Howard (page 13)

The Leafhopper Macrosteles fascifrons as a Host but Non-vector of X Disease Agent - A.H. Purcell, J. Richardson and A. Finlay (page 14)

Progress In Search for Lethal Yellowing Vector(s) - J. H. Tsai (page 14)

Symptoms Produced by Plants In Response to Injection - A. S. Alivizatos and R. Townsend (page 14)

Population Studios of Myndus crudus Van Duzee in Florida - F. W. Howard (page 15)


Foliar Insecticide Applications Reduce Spread of Palm Lethal Decline - F. W. Howard (page 15)

The Probable Origin of Lethal Yellowing and its Co-identity with Other Wilt Diseases of Coconut - L. Chiarappa (page 15)

Did Lethal Yellowing Disease Originate in Malaysia? - K. Maramorosch. (page 15)

Field Resistance of Malayan Dwarf - D. H. Romney (page 15)

Assessing Field Resistance to Lethal Yellowing In Coconut Varieties - B.O. Been (page 16)

Ornamental Palms Resistant to Lethal Yellowing for Florida - H. M. Donselman (page 16)


A Disease of Uncertain Etiology in Indonesia - P. Hunt (page 16)

Occurrence of Fusarium oxysporum and Gliocladium vermoeseni on Phoenix canariensis in California - T. V. Feather, H. D. Ohr and D. E. Munnecke (page 16)

Current IRHO Research on Intraphloemic Flagellated Protozoa Associated with Marchitez in South America - M.Dollet (page 17)

Preliminary observations on the Control of Hartrot of Coconut by Insecticidal Application - V. T. Alexander (page 17)

Varietal Resistance Studies for Hartrot of Coconut - V. T. Alexander (page 17)

Flagellated Protozoans in Coconut Palms in the Southwest of Colombia - G. Martinez-Lopez, 0. Jimenez and E. Mena-Tascon (page 17)

Occurrence of Flagellated Protozoa in "Case 9" Disease of African Oil Palm in Colombia - R.E. McCoy & G. Martinez-Lopez (page 17)

Preliminary Studies on Lethal Palm Blight - J. K. Dunaway and D.G. Mead (page 18)

Pathogenicity Studies with Pseudomonas aeruginosa - R.E.McCoy (page 18)

Cadang-Cadang Disease of Coconut: Evidence for a Viroid Etiology - J. W. Randles, J. S. Imperial, P. Palukaitis, T.Hatta & G. Boccardo (page 18)

Advances in Coconut Cadang-Cadang Research - A. Bigornia, E. P. Pacumbaba, E. P. Rillo and J. S. Imperial (page 18)

Study on the Origin of the Bunch Rot Disease Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) in Ecuador - C. Garzón Flor and E. Mora Carrillo (page 19)

Determination of the Causal Agent of Spear Rot of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) in Ecuador - C. Garzón Flor and M. Figueroa N. (page 19)

Research on the Etiology of Blast of Oil and Coconut Palms - M. Dollet (page 19)

Addresses of Meeting Registrants (page 20)

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The Palm Society journal, Palms (formerly Principes), contains the following references related to LY prior to 1997 (the accuracy of some of the original entries needs to be checked).

Lethal disease (LD) of Cocos nucifera, (1994) 38:11
Lethal yellowing, (1986) 24:81, (1992) 36:217-22;
bole rots in palms affected by LY, (1976) 20:62;
cause and vector of LY, (1989) 33: 164-5;
co-identity with Kaïncopé disease, (1973) 17:152;
comparitive epidemiology of, (1976) 20:58;
compared with bronze leaf wilt, (1990) 34:145;
compared with hartrot, (1978) 22:4;
control of, (1973) 17:157, (1975) 19:73-4, (1976) 20:63-4, (1979) 23:132;
described, (1959) 3:6;
difference in varietal susceptibility to, (1973) 17:152;
effect on growth, (1976) 20:61;
feeding sites of insects in coconuts and Veitchia, (1993) 37:35-41;
in coconut, (1978) 22:3-4;
in Cocos nucifera, (1994) 38:11;
in Florida, (1973) 17:39, 152, (1976) 20:58, (1978) 22:85-6, (1986) 24:176;
in Orbignya guacuyule, (1978) 22:111 (this reference is to a yellowing condition which was not LY);
in palms other than coconuts, (1973) 17:39, (1976) 20:79, (1978) 22:86;
in Phoenix, (1986) 24:176, (1992) 36:217-22;
Jamaica meeting reports, (1981) 25:139-40;
mentioned, (1978) 22:73;
mycoplasmalike organisms, (1986) 24:180;
new disease similar to, (1977) 21:154, 178-9;
non-resistant coconuts sold as resistant, (1990) 34:209;
possible hosts of, (1976) 20:59;
progress towards isolation of pathogen, (1976) 20:61;
questions and answers about, (1989) 33:163-71;
regulations and quarantines, (1986) 24:117;
research answers to laymens' questions about, (1973) 17:153;
research on, (1979) 23:128;
resistant coconut varieties, (1989) 33:167;
resistant palms for landscaping, (1989) 33:168;
susceptible palms, (1977) 21:130-1, (1978) 22:111 (incorrect report), (1986) 24:64, 81, (1989) 33:165;
transfer by seed not possible, (1990) 34:85;
transmission of, (1973) 17:155, 158, (1976) 20:64, 66, (1989) 33:165-6;
ultrastructural studies of, (1973) 17:154;
vector of, (1973) 17:155-6, (1976) 20:65, (1979) 23:132, (1986) 24:174-8, (1989) 33:164-5;
xylem pressure, (1979) 23:132-7

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The following list of references was quickly compiled. Please check it for mistakes and bring these to the attention of the editor, together with suggested additions. It would also be nice to annotate short summaries to the more important references. Anybody can submit an annotation for inclusion.

Addison, E.A. (1978) The Cape St.Paul wilt disease in Ghana: the present position. Proceedings. 3rd International Council on Lethal Yellowing Meeting, U. Florida, Agriculture. Research. Cent, Fort Lauderdale. FL-78-2:7

Agounké, D. (1997) Bilan des activités de recherche sur la maladie de Kaincopé sur cocotier (Cocos nucifera) au Togo. In: SJ Eden-Green & F Ofori (eds) Proc. Int. Wkshp. LY-Like Diseases of Coconut, Elmina, Ghana..pp 51-52.

Agwu, S.I. & Okaye, H.C. (1978) The distribution of bronze leaf wilt disease of coconuts in Anambra and Imo states of Nigeria. J. NIFOR 5, 79-85.

Ahrens, U. & Seemuller, E. (1992) Detection of DNA of plant pathogenic mycoplasmalike organisms by a polymerase chain reaction that amplifies a sequence of the 16s rRNA gene. Phytopathology 82(8), 828-832.

Anon (1962) Mysterious disease decimating coconut trees in Togoland. Indian Coconut Bulletin 16 (1) 10-11.

Anon (1987) Commonwealth Dept. Prim. Ind., Plant Quarantine Leaflet No 49. Lethal diseases of palms. Australian Quarantine Services.

Arellano, J & Oropeza, C (1995) Lethal yellowing. In: C. Oropeza et al (eds) Lethal Yellowing: Research & Practical Aspects pp 1-15, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Ashburner, R & Been B (1995) Characterization of resistance to lethal yellowing in Cocos nucifera and implications for genetic improvement of this species in the Caribbean region. In: SJ Eden-Green & F Ofori (eds) Proc. Int. Wkshp. LY-Like Diseases of Coconut, Elmina, Ghana..pp 173-183.

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