Cordia L. ca. de 325 especies ampliamente distribuídas en las regiones tropicales ambos hemisferios, 56 en México y 11 en la Península de Yucatán.
Johnston, I. M. 1940. Studies in the Boraginaceae, XV. Notes on some Mexican and Central American species of Cordia. J. Arnold Arbor. 21(3): 336-355; Johnston, I. M. 1949. Studies in Boraginaceae, XVII. A. Cordia section Varronia in Mexico and Central America Contr. Arnold Arbor. 30: 85-104; Johnston, I. M. 1950. Studies in the Boraginaceae, XIX. (A) Noteworthy species from tropical America. (B) Cordia section Gerascanthus~ in Mexico and Central America J. Arnold Arbor. 31: 172-187; Borhidi, A., E. Gondar & Z. Orosz-Kovács 1988. The re-consideration of the genus Cordia L. Acta Bot. Hung. 34(3-4): 375-423; Heubl, G. R., J. C. Gaviria & G. Wanner 1990. A contribution to the taxonomy and evolution of Cordia (Boraginaceae) and allied genera Bot. Jahrb. Syst 112: 129-165; Miller, J. S. 1999. New Boraginaceae from Tropical America 1: new species of Bourreria and Tournefortia from Costa Rica and a note on the publication of Cordia collococca. Novon 9(2): 230-235; Miller, J. S. 2007; New Boraginales from Tropical America 5: New names and typifications for neotropical species of Cordia and Varronia. Novon 17(3): 372-375; Miller, J. S. & M. Gottschling 2007. Generic classification in the Cordiaceae (Boraginales): resurrection of the genus Varronia P. Br. Taxon 56(1): 163-169.