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Carlos Mariano Oropeza Salín

Carlos Mariano Oropeza Salín

Investigador Titular C
Nivel III
(52) 999 942 83 30 Extensión: 191
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  • 1975 Tecnología de Alimentos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • 1979 Maestría en Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • 1982 Doctorado en Bioquímica Vegetal, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Reino Unido
  • 1992 Postdoctorado en Cultivo in vitro, Imperial College, Wye, Reino Unido


  • Relaciones planta/patógeno/vector/medio ambiente del amarillamiento letal.
  • Cultivo in vitro de cocotero,


  • Puch-Hau C, Oropeza C, Peraza-Echeverria S, Góngora-Paredes M, Narvaez M, Córdova Lara I, Zizumbo D and Sáenz Carbonell L (2015). Molecular cloning and characterization of disease-resistance gene candidates of the nucleotide binding site (NBS) type from (Cocos nucifera L.). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 89: 87-96.
  • Harrison N, Davis RE, Oropeza C,; Helmick E, Narváez M; Eden-Green S; Dollet M and Dickinson M (2014). Candidatus Phytoplasma palmicola, associated with a lethal yellowing-type disease of coconut (Cocos nuciferaL.) in Mozambique. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 01-01-2014.
  • Córdova Lara I, Oropeza C, Puch Hau CA; Harrison N, Collí-Rodríguez A, Narváez-Cab M, Nic Matos JG, Reyes C and Sáenz Carbonell LA (2014). A real-time PCR assay for detection of coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasmas of group 16SrIV subgroups A, D and E found in the Americas. Journal of Plant Pathology. 01-06-2014.
  • Montero-Cortés M, Cordova I, Verdeil JL, Hocher V, Pech y Ake A, Sandoval A, Oropeza C and Sáenz L (2011). GA3 stimulates expression of E2F-like genes and CDKA during in vitro germination of zygotic embryos of Cocos nucifera (L.). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 107:461–470.
  • Oropeza C, Cordova I, Chumba A, Narváez M, Sáenz L, Ashburner R and Harrison, N. (2011). Phytoplasma distribution in coconut palms affected by lethal yellowing disease. Annals of Applied Biology 159: 109-117.
Responsable de la Información: Carlos Mariano Oropeza Salín
Fecha de última actualización: 28 de agosto de 2015.